I like this design but size is little big.
I want to ware this skillfully.
It will be my favorite :)
HI-STANDARD is a very famous band.
Almost of "Kids" who love live concert know them.
People say they are pioneer of indie band boom.
They started activity as HI-STANDARD.
They toured foreign countries with NOFX, GREENDAY, The Offspring, Brink182 and so on.
They suspended activity as HI-STANDARD.
Now, they act individually.
Ken Yokoyama who ware guitarist of HI-STANDARD is owner of "PIZZA OF DEATH RECORD" and belong to some bands now.
I like Ken Yokoyama and PIZZA OF DEATH.
He makes very very very cool sounds.
And this is my favorite parka. This is "PIZZA OF DEATH PARKA"!!!